
SIA Aerodium Technologies, 01.11.2022 starts a research project ( ) on the development of the world’s smallest recirculating wind tunnel with a high-quality wind flow and cooling system, which can be installed in amusement parks and shopping centers with limited ceiling height. Support is received from EU funds, the funding allocated by the European Regional Development Fund is EUR 140,000.00.

Aerodium Technologies engineers completed aerodynamic simulations and designed the aerodynamic shape of the R1 recirculating vertical wind tunnel. We utilized our expertise in aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, and computer-aided design to achieve set goals for its dimensions and motor power.

In addition, the engineers defined an automation process to manage the customer experience from arrival to the end of the flight. These tasks required close collaboration and communication among the engineering team, as well as extensive simulations to ensure the final product met Aerodium’s high standards for safety, performance, and customer satisfaction.

1st stage from 01.11.2022 – 30.04.2023
Completed activities:

Evaluation – Tunnel compliance with attraction standards – assessment – Defined requirements for future equipment certification according to EN 13814.

The final sketch of the tunnel concept – defining the dimensions of the tunnel and dividing it into components (simplified 3D model in SolidWorks environment).

Floor plan of administrative spaces – Defined customer flow scheme, floor plan of administrative areas, based on which the operational logic, equipment, etc. were subsequently arranged.

Functional description of the automation system – Functional description of the vertical wind tunnel’s automation system.

  • Equipment layout sketch.
  • Electrical schematic with potential equipment connections.
  • Signal exchange table.

Development of automation system operation logic:

  • Equipment layout sketch
  • Potential list of equipment types, sensor test results.
  • Single-line block diagram with equipment layout.

2nd stage from 01.05.2023 – 31.07.2023
Completed activities:

Research of possible cooling system solutions – finding the most suitable solution for R1 tunnel concept cooling

Functional description of the automation system – Functional description of the vertical wind tunnel’s automation system

  • Tunnel set speed station logic
  • Data and algorithm for tunnel set speed
  • Tunnel safety sensor tests

Automation system development

  • Basic description of program development
  • Software development started.

3rd stage from 31.07.2023 – 30.10.2023
Completed Activities:

Acoustic evaluation of the Wind Tunnel

  • An acoustic model of the tunnel was created and the noise level in it was simulated. The activity has not yet ended.

Automation system equipment selection, purchase, functional testing and description of system logic –

  • Automation system equipment research and design
  • Control system and user interface

Functional testing of automation system equipment

  • Creation of the automatic system of the vertical wind tunnel – measurement station
  • List of measuring device components, EL schemes, functional description, principles of operation. Development of automation system, for implementation of functions – basic description of program development
  • Customer registration program
  • Customer measurement program
  • Equipment selection program
  • Flight simulation program

Flight zone prototype project

  • flight zone prototype drawings developed 70%

4th stage from 01.11.2023 – 31.01.2024
Completed Activities:

  • Cooling system project

Partly completed R1 tunnel cooling system project.

  • Evaluation of the use of renewable energy resources for wind tunnel operation is completed

Automation system equipment research and design.

Control system and user interface Functional testing of automation system equipment.

  • Completed final reports and conclusions
  • Works ongoing at the Measuring station – screen interface

Creation of the automatic system of the vertical wind tunnel – measurement station.

List of measuring device components, EL schemes, functional description, principles of operation.

Development of automation system, for implementation of functions – basic description of program development.

Flight zone prototype drawings developed for – 100%.

Manufacturing of Test prototype are currently in process.

Test machine assembly planned at middle of March.

5th  stage from 01.02.2024 – 30.04.2024

  • Production of the flight zone prototype

Completion of the      production, testing, and acceptance of test equipment  components.

Assembly of the test equipment will be carried out in May.

  • Constructive solutions for the new tunnel concept.

Intensive work is currently underway on engineering solutions for the tunnel concept.

Connection nodes, materials, fastenings are being defined, load calculations, weights of components, and assembly sequence principles are being refined and updated.

6th stage from 01.04.2023 – 31.07.2024

All activities are over and the project is complete.

At this stage we have done:

  • R1 test equipment prototype assembly works.
  • Aerodynamic and flight tests.
  • Installation and testing of the full automation system in the test tunnel.
  • Constructive solutions for the tunnel, developed assembly plan, updated structural calculations and model after changes.
  • The R1 tunnel concept and the constructive solutions were evaluated, and the design and solutions of the final concept were defined. Updated calculations, cooling system design and assembly process.

Final tests:

The automation system of the new tunnel concept was installed and tested, which facilitates the work of instructors and service staff. Instead, the Customer is directed to a maximally automatic self-service concept.

As a result: several shortcomings and necessary deviations from the original plan were identified. However, despite these, the concept and main idea works well and will be implemented in our latest R1 tunnel concept after making changes and adapting it to the flow of R1 customers.

SIA Aerodium Technologies has concluded contract No., onSeptember 26th, 2023 with  the Investment  and Development Agency of Latvia program  1.2.3. of the specific support objective “Veicināt ilgtspējīgu izaugsmi, konkurētspēju un darba vietu radīšanu MVU, tostarp ar produktīvām investīcijām” inmeasure pasākuma “Atbalsts MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstībai”.

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